5G - Safe For Your Use

5G – Safe For Your Use

So there’s been some rumours recently. With the recent developments in 5G, the new fast mobile network which is coming to a select few handsets very soon, there’s been increasing rumour and speculation about every different facet of the system.

One thing that people are mainly focused on is whether or not 5G is safe for humans to use on a day-to-day basis. We care about putting your fears and possible concerns to rest, which is why we are going to be taking a look at 5G and assessing why it is safe for you to use.

Understanding The Science

So while every official regulatory body is adamant that 5G is safer you to use, a lot of people aren’t convinced. And of course, we can understand that. A brand-new mobile network launches which is 100 times faster than anything we had before and people are naturally apprehensive.

But, in truth, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. We’ve done our bit of research into the science behind 5G system, and we come up with a few findings which we think will help you to relax about it.

So, let’s take a look at how mobile coverage works. There is a nifty bit of science behind this. In essence, what mobile networks are doing is taking advantage of the electromagnetic spectrum. This is a naturally occurring phenomenon, and you may recognise it in the form of something like infrared light.

It is true that a type of radiation is generated when it comes to using mobile networks. But, we are 100% confident that the levels of radiation are nowhere near even close to having an applicable effect on the human body. There are more harmful radio waves in your microwave, and that is something which has been safely used for decades now.

You’re Going to be Fine

Despite the best efforts of the NHS to prove otherwise, there has been no study conducted within the last 30 years which can evidence a correlation between mobile phones and the levels of harmful diseases or entities developing in the body. This means there is no link between things like mobile phones and cancer, for example. In fact, in the last 30 years, the level of cancerous tumours which have been spotted and prevented from causing real damage has risen by 34%, which has been attributed to better-developed technology, which is what 5G is!

In essence, what we’re saying is that 5G is going to be fine. There is no risk of injury, there is no risk of harm, and you can be completely safe in using the new network and enjoying all the fast speeds which are to be offered.

You have to remember that this is an initiative being unveiled across the country. The government controls every business and every corporation, and they wouldn’t let this type of thing be released if it was going to hurt anyone. Experts and medical professionals have thoroughly checked the 5G network, and there have been absolutely no traces of harmful radiation impacting the body.

Check out our website for the latest on 5G.
