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Today's Top LG Deals

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When people think of Korean mobile phones then their minds tend to turn first to Samsung. However, LG is the other big Korean technology company. They may have slipped off the radar in recent years when it comes to the mobile phone, however, there are still quietly churning out great mobile phones. These are both high-end top of the line smartphones as well as more budget-minded models. They produce phones based on the Android operating system with an LG flavoured user-interface over the top. They are constantly looking to innovate when it comes to their handsets and are even working on a dual-screen model at the moment. What they do do is concentrate on producing some excellent designs and great quality phones. This means that every owner of a LG phone is glad that they made that choice and knows that they have a quality device that is well supported. This is true whether they are a high-end smartphone or a budget smartphone. Customers of LG phones are loyal to their brand and will keep returning to the devices time and time again.

Outside of mobile devices, LG is more widely known for producing great audio-visual equipment and they use their innovations in this area to make sure that their mobile phones are the best that they can be.

Best LG Deals

When it comes to our customers we know that they know their minds and that they want a handset that is perfect for their lifestyle and needs. For this reason, we have a well-stocked warehouse that keeps a large stock of mobile phones that are ready to be shipped directly to our customers. We are constantly scanning the market to make sure that we have the newest and greatest handsets on the market available to our customers. We also keep a wide range of the older handsets on the market so that we can offer something for everyone. No matter what your budget or needs we are sure that we will have a handset that is perfect for you. You might have a handset in mind, or you might want some help to chose one that is right for you. We work closely with our customers to make sure that when they select a handset then they are going to get something that works for them and is going to be great for their lifestyle. We examine closely every handset that LG produces to determine whether it is going to be right for our customers. We want to make sure that we are giving our customers the best and that they have the choices available that they want.

LG Sim Free Deals

When it comes to giving our customers options we know that some customers want to be able to buy the handset outright and for this reason, we offer a number of our handsets SIM-free. This means that if you want to be able to get a pay-as-you-go SIM or a deal from another provider you are free to do so.

LG Contract Deals

If you would rather have a monthly contract then we have a wide range of deals available to suit every budget. No matter what your budget is, or what your lifestyle needs then we will be able to offer a monthly deal that is just right for you. This means if you are a caller, a texter, or a data guzzler then we will have a deal that is perfect for you. When it comes to monthly deals it is important to know what components are included in the deal. This normally starts with your data bundle. This is the amount of mobile data that you can use whilst out and about with your phone. You will use your mobile data whenever you are not connected to a WiFi source. Most of the apps on your phone will use data, some even use it when you are not actively using the app so it is important to make sure that you have adequate data for your needs. If you use up your data allowance then your mobile phone won't stop working, but you may be charged for the extra data that you use. Nearly all phones use the current 4G network whilst you are out and about, increasingly newer phone can use the new 5G network that is rolling out and providing increased speed and reliability whilst you are travelling.

LG Models

  • K10
  • Q6
  • V50 ThinQ 5G

LG Deals with No Upfront Cost

New handsets are always coming up on the market and sometimes you might think that the newest handsets are out of your price range. This is why we can offer some of our handsets with no upfront cost. This is will normally cost you a little bit extra on your monthly contract but it does mean that you can have your brand new handset dispatched to you as soon as you sign the contract. Just remember that if you are pre ordering one of the latest handsets then you will have to wait until release day to get it, but you will still be getting it as soon as possible. If you would prefer to have a deal that gives you a cheaper monthly cost then you can pay an amount upfront to grant you this. So whether you want to get the top of the range LG ThinQ handset or you want an older more budget-friendly model then we have the flexibility to find just the right deal for you. All of the older handsets that we offer are future proof so you know that they are still going to be good for years to come.

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